Monday 17 April 2017

Pick up your socks

There is nothing metaphorical about the title. It quite literally is what it says – pick up your socks! My house is littered with socks strewn about all over the place. Under the dining table, on  the bed sides, in the various different pairs of shoes worn in one day – from uniform socks in school shoes, smelly football shoes in a dirty pair of studs,  socks outside the shoe cupboard, in work shoes switched for walking shoes. And the most frustrating of them all – BESIDES the laundry basket! No not inside cause that would mean lifting the lid to put them in which would imply an effort to put them where they belong.

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Monday 10 April 2017

Get Ready with your Kids’ School Accessories During this Summer Vacation

Let us move forward and continue with the preparations to be made for school going kids during this summer vacation. We had discussed the labels for uniforms and tiffin boxes in our last post [Get Ready with your Kids’ School Accessories During this Summer Vacation]. Check out for these cool ideas too, so that your kids get organized as they start preparing to go back to school.

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Saturday 8 April 2017

Get Ready with your Kids’ School Accessories During this Summer Vacation

It’s summer vacation and kids are home playfully running here and there, taking time for vacation homework and enjoying the holidays to its fullest. But, it may not be the easy going task for the parents. It’s high time for almost all parents to run behind their kids for maintaining home discipline, make them do their homework, and so forth.

Above all these things, this is the most appropriate and leisurely time to stitch new uniforms, buy tiffin boxes, shoes, stationeries, stock notebooks, and other accessories.

Obviously, several homes have kids going to the same school and carry a similar type of tiffin boxes too, apart from the school uniforms, night dresses, shoes, water bottles, and, etc

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Monday 20 March 2017

Be Ready to Send your Kids to A Camp Week

It’s finally here- camp week at school. From the time the email announcing the venue and details arrived from school, there has been a non-stop volley of questions, instructions, lists and what not from my little one. We have prepared our camping name labels, neatly labelled every item from torch to toothpaste, used our Iron on labels on everything from socks to raincoat.

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Monday 6 March 2017

Specifications For Designing Customized Labels

Labels and stickers have been serving as an identification essential since a long time. But these are no longer limited for use by school children, as corporates, small businesses, and organizations require them for diverse purposes. People use them as gifts for birthdays, weddings, and corporate events, as well as a part of the business promotional strategy. The concept of customization has become popular with labels too as people want to have such ones which reflect their personal tastes. Various creative ideas can be used for designing customized name stickers and labels. Several specifications can be considered to put these ideas together and craft unique ones for individual requirements. Here are a few of these: 

Wednesday 15 February 2017

How Are Labels Used For Different Purposes

Personal identification is an essential that is required at every stage of life. Whether it is a school-going child or a working professional, every person looks to identify their personal belongings. Naming labels come up as a great solution for various requirements, from school uniform labels to corporate identification cards. Also, the option of custom-made ones designed according to individual taste and preferences can be explored.

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Thursday 9 February 2017

Custom Labels For Diverse Purposes

Personal identification of things is important for people, whether at school, work, or any private gathering. Name labels have come as a feasible solution for identifying one's personal stuff and making sure that it is not lost or exchanged with someone else's. The customized ones make an even better alternative because these carry the name or initials as a personal hallmark of the owner. These serve diverse purposes for diverse requirements.

  • Schools:
The biggest woe of mothers of school-going children is that they often lose their things or get them mixed with those of other children. Having personalized identification for their bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, and books is a good idea. For children studying in a boarding school, labels for clothing is a must. Additionally, their sports equipment should also be labeled to make sure that these are not lost in the playground. Customized labels can be designed according to the taste and preference of the child. It is a good idea to have contact details on them so that the misplaced item can be returned to the owner. Waterproof name labels make a great choice for things that are used outdoors as they are more likely to be damaged otherwise.


Thursday 19 January 2017

Tips to choose the best kids labels

best kids labels

If you have school-going children, you must be well aware of the identification crisis with their stuff. There are times when they may come home carrying a blazer, pencil box or even a bag of a classmate. Kids labels make a great way to resolve this problem as you can put them on clothes, bags, water bottles, lunch boxes and practically, everything that children carry to school. These labels not only establish the ownership of the stuff but also help you locate lost objects in school or hostel. Whether you buy labels online or from the market, there are some things you need to take care of so that you get the best. Here are some tips to help:

Get Customized Labels
School labels should carry all the relevant information that may be needed for identifying the child's stuff. The child's name or initials are required in particular, while you can also have the class inked on the labels. Woven labels carrying initials can be bought but it is a good idea to look for customized ones. There are several online websites which specialize in crafting such labels which are custom made according to the buyer's needs. They offer unique design features, such as printing/weaving the name in upper or lower case. You can even have your contact details added to them so that the lost stuff can be returned to you.

Check Out How to Apply Them
Whether you are buying school bag labels or those for clothes, or lunch boxes, you need to know how to apply them. There are various options such as the stick-on or iron-on and even ones that can be stitched. The labels need to be applied as per the instructions so that they stay on the bag or clothing. If you shop online, you can have a look at the 'How To' videos which most of the websites provide.

Look for Quality and Durability
The quality and durability are major concerns with labels for children's stuff. Look for the brands that use superior quality, eco-friendly materials. High-quality labels would be tear-proof, water- proof and fray-proof. Also, the labels should be durable and sturdy enough to withstand frequent machine-washing and dry-cleaning. Lunch box labels should be microwave-safe.

The Labels should be Attractive
And last but not the least, the labels and bag tags should be attractive in color and design. Children love to have the ones designed with their favorite animated characters, superheroes and fun icons. The market is flooded with variety and kids have lots of options to pick from.

Whether you are looking to shop for labels online or from brand stores, these tips would be handy to pick the right ones.